Monday, March 26, 2012

2A.2 Animator Iterations

These short animations represent a few more work throughs of EIAS.    Throughout the experience the interface has become much easier to operate and the navigation of the tools is working more effeciently.  I hope to project one more video before tuesdays class.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sequence: Pilot Animations

Monday, March 12, 2012

Procedural Sequence

Scene Overlay Study

This image is the result of consecutive camera angle overlays of a scene from  Ingmar Bergman's "Wild Strawberries".  Intentionally, I did not have any ambition for what this drawing would yield, I hoped that it would hint at a possible conclusion about frame, contrast, depth of field, composition, and a play at deep space and shallow space.   The scene opens with the ghosted image at the bottom then progresses, with a new image representing a camera cut, throughout the scene to the top of the image.  

More to come. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Versioning: Evolutionary Techniques in Architecture
Week of March 6th Readings

"While Simulation remains a useful formal estimate of future organizational strategies, versioning of vector-based information allows immediate results to be transformed and refined as the previous tests feed additional data through the framework of intentionality." 

"The end is in the beginning" - TS Eliot

The practice of architecture is outdated, at best, no longer is it acceptable to draw plans and sections.  The current economic and ecological crisis demand performative modeling.  Versioning, with its 4D capabilities can create an interactive interface in which parameters, metrics, and data can be tested within a geo-spatial framework. 

Advanced economics, intelligence, marketing, almost all fields incorporate predictive computer modeling.  No longer are architects | designers left to rules of thumb and mere style, within versioning lies a movement to create a reactive and pre-active architectural massing.  Simulations can drive the design experience, on a number of parameters, creating new methodologies of practice, which in turn, yield new product. 

Versioning, in combination with mass alternative production, can yield an unique architecture in which each individual modulus is executed to comply with a specific set of parameters yet fit into the logic of the whole.

No longer is architecture, urbanism, production dependent on "logique de la grue."  A potential for customization, a kin to Brunelleschi's modulating brick of Florence, can redefine architecture, construction and production.  

Spatial and Temporal Sequence

For the upcoming spatial | temporal exploration I will be exploring a scene in Ingmar Bergman's film "Wild Strawberries."  I am interested in the planar vs. depth relationship of the background as it relates to the movement of the character.  Moreover, the movement between light and shadow are a quite interesting study in it of themselves.