Sunday, February 12, 2012

C O M P O U N D           G E O M E T R I E S 

These morphological manipulations focus on creating a realm of ambiguity from a recognizable object.  By framing the context then manipulating it's confines, spatial distortion of the body is achieved. Altering objects by scale, rotate, array, shear, and twist allowed for the distortion of a known object into a series of planes, masses, and voids.  Within this construct, dynamic zones of compression and expansion are achieved.

The matrix created a framework of variables or rules.  Within the zone of a frame, the manipulation of these rules created an artifact of evolution.  At first, scale was used to change perceived interstitial zones between body and space.  From there, rotation, stratification, and revolution consequently generated new massifestations.


  1. It is great to see these transformations on such a complex object. The composition is very dynamic but shows a clear progression. I think it starts to fall apart in the last few images, though, and might need a slower change toward the end.

  2. This is the only study that I have viewed thus far in which a collection of objects constituted the original fragment of the object. Perhaps it is this decision that caused the convolution of the final iterations, as each began to rise to its own level of complexity. This is not to invalidate this study, however a closer look at any one of the elements could have generated its own dynamic result.

    On the other hand, I find it interesting how not only the form of the objects transforms, but additionally the way in which the light source responds to the complexity towards the end of the series.

    It is also great to see a morphological study in which the entire geometry is not revealed, but rather the author's intended viewport of it. By doing so, the subsequent geometries suggest a developing space, rather than solely a developing object.

  3. The composition of this piece are gradually dismantled. The little pieces which belong to the main piece are changing very dramatically.
